Are you interested in Home Financing?

About Maggie

maggie-circleMy goal is to see home buyers reach their real-estate dreams and provide first class service to my clients. I find each client the best financing and tailor the home buying process to their individual needs. Let me help you make your home buying process personable and professional.

Getting Started

  •  Let’s sit down and discuss your individual financial and credit profile. We discuss your concerns and find options that will work for you and your family.
  • We decide on your qualified price point and a comfortable payment.
  • We set a time-line to seek out homes in your target price range;  we then make a plan for funding and closing your mortgage.

The Difference

  • I have several quality funding sources available to my clients.
  • I have extensive experience in matching residential mortgage offerings to consumers.
  • I can provide customized goal plans and flexibility other professionals may not have.
  • My clients and I have open and timely communication through each and every point of the process.

